4 Tips to Get The Most Out of Your SMS Marketing Campaigns

Published by Sheikh Rehaan on

Whether or not you already use an SMS marketing system to manage your business, you are probably aware of the benefits that SMS has over standard e-mail or other marketing channels. If you are considering a jump into the SMS arena, here are some tips that will facilitate the transition and help you avoid common mistakes that are often made when handling an SMS marketing campaign.

SMS Marketing Campaigns

If you are an old acquaintance of these, the below-mentioned tips will give your company the extra incentive it may have missed by explaining some fundamental shortcomings and then correcting them:

4 Best Tips for SMS Marketing

  • Always record a call to action

The general consensus is that the open rate of text messages floats exactly around the 95 percentile mark, so it’s a good bet that you will attract people’s attention by sending messages. So now you have their undivided attention. What do you want from them? You must give the customer an option to communicate.

In other words, have a clear call to action. Include a position that requires an answer, a visit to a physical address or website, a discount coupon, or just call a number. In short, tell people what you want them to do in the minimum words possible.

Expressing what you want to do is actually only half the battle. Enchant them! Sweeten the deal by giving something back. Maybe you have some super cool software exclusively for customers to try out. You may have written an article in a newspaper on a topic that matters.

Maybe you just want to show appreciation by offering a discount coupon during a special weekend sale. Keep the download option available when the customer signs up. What it comes down to is that they know in advance what they will do before they click on an action button that you offer.

  • Segment your customers

If you do not segment, you will lose a wealth of potential sales. With SMS you can accurately examine your customer base based on individual interests. Services (or a product) can be offered to match what they need or want.

Keep your segments small in number and make an honest effort to categorize them so that your business can meet those specific needs. For example, create a segment for customers who purchase large quantities of products. Another segment can be customers who need a lot of customer service and are willing to pay for it.

Yet another segment could be reserved for people who buy products and expect them to be delivered immediately, regardless of the costs. These people would be placed in a group that needs special delivery services. This technique of segmentation will ensure simplicity and a better focus on the core needs and wishes of your customer base.

  • Be short

The nature of the SMS is short, to begin with. The 160-letter length limit requires us to be short, sweet, and to the point. Maximize the information density. Respect your audience and do not try to block off an offer with false interest. Learn to give the most information with the least number of words. The best analogy to drive home is to imagine that you want to learn how to write a simple computer program.

You will find two books on the subject that teach exactly the same. Time is essential and you must learn it quickly. One is a 200-page book and the other is 100 pages long. Provided both are written with clarity and competence, which one would you choose? The same concept is at work here.

Customers have better things to do than read advertisements all day long. Give them the offer, tell them what you want to do, give something back to sweeten the deal, send a thank you message, and prepare for the next step.

  • Don’t be greedy

Just because you are able to spam some poor lad’s phone with an endless stream of messages doesn’t mean you should. There is no fighting with unwanted e-mail or spam blocker filters. Your messages go directly to the target group and bypass all those customers who kill advertising guards. With this power comes great responsibility. Do not overload the customer’s phone with the same messages over and over again.

If you have repeat customers, do not include actions that have already been completed when sending follow-up messages. “REGISTER NOW” should not be seen. You already have that person’s information, so why ask again? It seems that you pay attention to neither the individual nor what you offer them. Give them new options or reinforce the options that they had not initially chosen.

Bulk SMS service is one of the cheapest tools for conducting surveys or receiving customer feedback. If you know that their opinion is important to you, you can build deeper customer trust and loyalty.

Additional Tips for Successful SMS Marketing

While the above tips provide a solid foundation, there are additional strategies to enhance your SMS marketing campaigns:

1. Personalize Your Messages:

Personalization can significantly boost engagement. Address customers by their names and tailor messages to their preferences and behaviors. Personalized messages create a sense of connection and relevance, making recipients more likely to respond positively.

2. Timing is Crucial:

Sending messages at the right time can greatly impact their effectiveness. Avoid sending messages too early in the morning or too late at night. Instead, choose times when your audience is likely to be active and receptive. Use analytics to determine the best times for your specific audience.

3. Use Clear and Compelling Language:

Ensure your messages are easy to understand and action-oriented. Avoid jargon and keep your language straightforward. A clear and compelling message is more likely to grab attention and prompt action.

4. Test and Optimize:

Continuously test different elements of your SMS campaigns, such as message content, timing, and call-to-action. Analyze the results and use the insights to optimize your campaigns for better performance. A/B testing can help identify what works best for your audience.

5. Include an Opt-Out Option:

Always provide an easy way for recipients to opt out of receiving messages. Respect their preferences and ensure compliance with regulations. An opt-out option builds trust and prevents your messages from being perceived as spam.

6. Monitor and Analyze Performance:

Use analytics tools to track the performance of your SMS campaigns. Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Analyzing this data helps you understand the effectiveness of your campaigns and make informed decisions for future improvements.

Case Studies: Successful SMS Marketing Campaigns

To illustrate the effectiveness of SMS marketing, let’s explore a few case studies of businesses that have successfully implemented SMS campaigns:

1. Retail Store:

A retail store used SMS marketing to promote a weekend sale. By sending personalized discount codes to their loyal customers, they saw a significant increase in foot traffic and sales during the sale period. The clear call to action and time-sensitive offer motivated customers to visit the store and make purchases.

2. Restaurant:

A restaurant utilized SMS marketing to inform customers about daily specials and promotions. By segmenting their customer base based on preferences, they were able to send relevant offers to different groups. This approach resulted in higher engagement and repeat visits from satisfied customers.

3. E-commerce Business:

An e-commerce business leveraged SMS marketing to recover abandoned shopping carts. By sending reminder messages with a special discount code, they successfully converted many abandoned carts into completed purchases. The timely and personalized messages encouraged customers to complete their transactions.


SMS marketing offers numerous benefits for businesses, including high engagement rates, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to reach a wide audience quickly. By implementing best practices and leveraging advanced SMS technology, businesses can drive sales, enhance customer loyalty, and achieve their marketing goals. Whether you’re promoting products, sending important updates, or engaging customers with surveys and polls, SMS marketing provides a versatile and effective solution for business success.

Start exploring the possibilities of SMS marketing today and see how it can transform your communication strategies and drive growth for your business. With the right provider and a strategic approach, SMS marketing can be a powerful tool to enhance your marketing efforts and achieve long-term success.

By following these tips and continuously optimizing your campaigns, you can unlock the full potential of SMS marketing and create meaningful connections with your audience. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or new to SMS, these strategies will help you achieve better results and maximize the impact of your campaigns.


Categories: SMS Marketing

Sheikh Rehaan

Sheikh Rehaan is an author, writer & content creator. He is very passionate about all things content marketing and has extensive knowledge of SMS Marketing.