For businesses of any size to market, a product or service using an SMS channel, choosing the right keyword is the prerequisite for any successful promotional campaign. The absence of the relevant keyword can lead to undesired results for your marketing goals.


Brands take advantage of the text channel because of its impact and reaching the audience instantly in the most cost-efficient manner. This channel, besides being easy to use, is not very taxing for both new and established firms.

What the well-thought-out SMS keyword does is that it gives loyal as well as prospective customers an easy and identifiable word to interact with your brand.

But if you are new to SMS marketing, knowing the intricacies of Bulk SMS is extremely important for higher ROI (Return on Investment).

Let us delve deep and understand the necessity of SMS keywords and what ought to be kept in mind while choosing for your brand or enterprise.

Explaining SMS Keywords?

A word or combination of words, at times, accompanied by numbers is the text that customers use to sign up for messages from brands.

What the customer does is he/she sends a text using the particular keyword on the given number. Once the message is sent, mostly, the customer receives an auto-generated welcome message from the brand’s marketing team.

As told earlier, SMS is a cost-efficient channel for businesses of any size and the possibilities are endless when the channel is used effectively. Given the keywords are generally short and easy to remember, brands can publicize their SMS keywords anywhere. To inform the public about the keyword, billboards, social networking sites, television, radio, and even newspapers can be used.

Choosing the SMS Keyword

Now we are down to what needs to be kept in mind while selecting a keyword for your sms marketing campaigns. Here is what you have to bear in mind before deciding on the keyword for your promotional targets:

Be Unambiguous & Easy For the Customer

While selecting a keyword, brands often want to remain unique in every way possible. Although it is a good idea to stand out from the rest of the competition and make your own unique presence, this often leads to choosing the keyword that consumers can hardly remember.

For you to be remembered by the users of your product or service, choosing a simple keyword is the key. This not only makes it easy for people to interact with your brand but more and more customers will find it convenient to subscribe to your promotional campaigns.

For Instance, instead of using SHAAN-O-MANZIL as a keyword for real estate business, only “ SHAAN” will do wonders. It is easy to remember, yet conveys a lot.

Restrict to One Word

Although you can use more than one word as your keyword, limiting it to a single word is preferred a lot. This is suggested only because people tend to remember one-word keywords instead of combinations of more than one.

On the other hand, if you cannot do without a combination of words, it is suggested to use two versions. One where two words are combined and two where words are separated. For instance, DIVINERESORT & DIVINE RESORT. This is beneficial because people may forget to add space while subscribing.

Easy to Remember

Always try to have a keyword that is easy to remember for the end user. If your keyword cannot be recalled easily, chances are people will not subscribe to the list. A memorable keyword will help you a lot in garnering new customers.

If your keyword is connected to your brand, chances are customers will recall it easily and more importantly identify with your business.


Going by the aforementioned points, one can say that running campaigns using Bulk SMS is not only about sending thousands of messages instantly. However, what is essential for the promotion to reach its logical end is the choice of the right keywords. A promo short of an essential keyword will be a bane instead of a boon for the company.

Categories: SMS Marketing

Sheikh Rehaan

Sheikh Rehaan is an author, writer & content creator. He is very passionate about all things content marketing and has extensive knowledge of SMS Marketing.