Communication and more importantly storytelling, according to Apple founder, Steve Jobs, is the key for any business to go way beyond set limits. It is all about how eye-catching your skill of telling about the product or service you are offering is going to determine the success of your brand. In order to meet the end result, many industries are shifting to Mass Texting to reach the maximum number in a cost-efficient manner.


This 160-character-driven channel is not only persuasive but in a world where attention span is reducing, SMS, according to many industry experts is helping in grabbing the attention of prospective clients. It is becoming extremely difficult for people to go through lengthy promotional emails and social media posts when there is a lot to scroll. In this cluttered virtual space, clear and concise text messaging with its nearly cent percent open rate does the job.

Over the years how has Bulk SMS helped various industries in staying ahead of others, we have compiled a list of sectors that have benefitted the most from the cost-efficient channel.

5 industries using Text Messaging Service

  • Banking and Fintech

The use of Bulk SMS has made communication easy between the concerned bank and its customers. Now with the use of SMS services, banks are able to convey all important information at any given time to their customers from anywhere in the world. It takes seconds to reach out to them with any update or emergency message. People no longer have to queue up outside banks just to enquire about the balance. This in turn has reduced the workload of the staff and more importantly the time saved can be utilized elsewhere.

Had there not been this channel to communicate, Banks would have to invest a lot in customer support services which might not have been feasible for the operations. The return on investment (ROI) is way more when compared to other communication channels.

  • Hospitality Sector

This industry is all about serving the customer and making his/her experience one worth remembering. The goal is not only to garner new customers but to retain them is what is thought to be a real success for the customer support team.

Since people like being texted regarding their stay at hotels, industry experts have conveniently shifted to SMS Services for instant communication with guests. The adoption of this channel has not only helped in making the process smooth for both parties but instead of spending on other expensive channels, Mass texting has helped in reducing unnecessary expenses for the sector.

  • Aviation Sector

Knowing very well that flight can be delayed due to various reasons at any time, airlines use SMS due to the quick response of the channel and convey any update by texting their valued customers.

This instant communication has not only helped airlines but customers are equally comfortable communicating via this streamlined channel. Instead of calling individually, a simple text to all in one go saves not only time but resources as well.

Also Read: Bulk SMS for Aviation Industry

  • Real Estate Sector

For brokers in real estate sector and those looking to own a plot or property, instant communication is the top priority. With SMS in place, both parties have availed features of this channel.

To inform clients about new offers, real estate agents text instead of calling for the same. This does help in conveying the information instantly without having to wait for hours to deliver the message.

  • Insurance Sector

To update clients on the premium to be paid, new offers, and claims if any, insurance companies have used the SMS channel to their advantage a lot. The possibility of communicating without any barrier has without a doubt helped companies a lot.

Now the in-person meetings can be done away with. There is also a good response rate from the clients as well which is way better than emails and advertisements.

Now if you want to use this cost-effective, streamlined channel of communication, SMSala is the Bulk SMS provider you can rely on for your Mass Messaging and communicate instantly with your loyal and prospective clients.

We give you the option to test our services for free to make the benefits of our service known to you. For trial purposes, we provide you with 20 free credits.


Categories: Bulk SMS