What Hinders the Delivery of Text Messages

Published by Suhail Bhat on

As a brand or an enterprise — while sending out promotional texts — the only thing that concerns the marketing team at the end is the delivery of messages to the intended customers. If the end user does not receive the message, the campaign is considered unsuccessful. But the moot question: what bars the delivery of text messages will be discussed in this article.


There are varied reasons for messages not getting delivered. If all the hard work put in by the marketing team of the brand does not yield the desired result, the loss to the company is what pains the board.

So, what hampers the text from reaching the intended target, especially in Bulk SMS? Let us find out.

Incorrect numbers

This is usually the reason for the message from getting delivered. The data that is available with the company is at times not properly fed into the system. The numbers which are used to get in touch with customers are either incorrect or no longer in use.

If messages are sent to these incorrect numbers, the delivery status will always be “Failed” instead of pending or successful. This is why it is recommended to check or revise the list to avoid any failure of messages.

Texting to landline numbers

Another common reason behind the delivery failure is sending out messages to landline numbers. These are numbers that do not support messaging. If texts are sent to these numbers, the response will always show “failure” instead of any other option.

Therefore to avoid further failure in the delivery of messages in the future, filtering out landline numbers will be a suitable method to adopt.

Number discontinued

One of the many reasons the message is barred from reaching the destination is that the number has been discontinued by the customer. The previously used phone number is no longer in use. Sending messages to those numbers will not only result in failure but additional costs are due to the sender.

The phone is switched off (Rarity)

At times the message is also not delivered because the mobile phone of the user is switched off for more than 48 hours. If the phone is not switched on within these 48 hours, the intended message will never reach the user.

Messages that are sent have an expiry time. In the case of SMS, texts expire after 48 hours. If the texts do not reach within the stipulated time, the status will be shown as “failed” instead of anything else.

Sender ID blocked

There are instances when customers block Sender IDs. Due to this blockage, messages scheduled for these numbers are not delivered. Reasons may vary but it is the recipient’s discretion that is valued by the carrier.

Checking in advance and filtering out those who do not want to receive your promotional text will make the job easier and the delivery failure percentage can be brought down as well.

Outside permissible hours

Messages that have been sent outside the scheduled time for promotional texts will not be delivered. There is a set time — usually, 9 am to 9 pm — for marketing texts which has to be abided by the sender while promoting a product or service. If rules are not followed, the likely consequence is displayed in the status section as “failed” instead of pending.

Non permitted character

The message can also be blocked from reaching the recipient if the text contains characters that are not allowed. Avoiding the usage of these characters will ensure the message is sent to the intended customer.

Subscribed to DND service

This is another likely cause for the message not being delivered. Here the intended user will not receive it because he/she has subscribed to the Do Not Disturb(DND) service, which blocks all promotional traffic.

This is chosen by the receiver and any attempt by the marketing team to send out promotional text will always show “failed” in the status section.

Mobile service suspended

Sometimes messages do not reach the intended target because the mobile service of the concerned receiver has been suspended by the service provider. In this case, messages will not be delivered, bringing down the DLR percentage of the campaign.

However, this is not like the preceding stated reason. Once the service is resumed, messages can be sent to those whose service was suspended.

illegal content

The text of the message can be the reason behind messages not getting delivered. Any message that contains adult content, reference to drugs, or reference to criminal activity will be blocked by the carrier.

Receiver opts out

You may be having their mobile number but there are times when customers opt out after initially choosing to be informed. In this case, once the customer opts out, the brand or a firm will not be able to send out promotional messages.

Categories: SMS