15 Tips To Boost Your SMS Marketing Campaigns

Published by Sheikh Rehaan on

If you are attempting to market your product at the global level and grow your business, you have got no choice other than to connect to your audience on mobile devices via SMS. This is wherever your customers are as mobile usage is currently surpassing other channels worldwide. With the rapid increase in smartphone usage, people are constantly on their mobile devices, making it essential for businesses to adapt and reach out through the channels their customers prefer. SMS marketing offers a direct and personal way to engage with potential customers, providing a significant opportunity to boost your brand’s visibility and customer engagement.

Whether it’s advertising, mobile banner ads, ads that appear in video games, or QR codes, there is no shortage of methods for getting the word out to mobile consumers. Each of these methods has its unique advantages and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your marketing campaign. By leveraging these various mobile advertising techniques, businesses can effectively capture the attention of their target audience and drive higher engagement rates. Incorporating a mix of these strategies ensures that your marketing efforts are well-rounded and capable of reaching a broader audience.

sms marketing

SMS Marketing is another important one of these strategies being used. It’s an affordable, high-return marketing system that uses text messaging to convey content or offers to customers. There are many reasons to try it out, from its relatively low starting cost to the fact that the vast majority of texts are actually opened, read, and more importantly, engaged with. When used properly, it creates an effective platform for communicating with mobile customers. The immediacy and personal nature of SMS make it a powerful tool for businesses to create meaningful interactions and foster customer loyalty.

Below are a number of effective messaging ways, which without a doubt will raise response rates. By implementing these tips, you can enhance the effectiveness of your SMS marketing campaigns and achieve better results in terms of customer engagement and conversion rates.

15 Tips to improve your SMS marketing

  • Offer incentives: Grab your customer’s attention by giving coupons or deals through a text messaging channel. This makes customers feel they’re a part of a secret club or community. Incentives like exclusive discounts, special offers, and limited-time deals can significantly boost your engagement rates and encourage customers to take immediate action.
  • Keep your message short and sweet: Over 85% of all SMS messages are read within an interval of three minutes, making it an intimate way to connect with your customers. With solely 160 characters to use, ensure your message is to-the-point and delivers high value so your customer is motivated to respond positively. Concise messages are more likely to be read and acted upon, so focus on clarity and brevity.
  • Have a clear call to action: Two factors drive an SMS campaign: the keyword and another is shortcode. While sending a promotional message, it is highly advised not to ramble and get to the point directly and make the CTA as direct and as persuasive as possible. A clear and compelling call to action can significantly increase the chances of your customers responding positively to your message.
  • Integrate MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service): If you have got a tough time with the 160-character limit, use MMS to send video clips or pictures to your customers. You can even add YouTube URLs, giving your customers a visual experience regarding your business. Visual content can enhance the appeal of your messages and provide a richer experience for your customers.
  • Make contests interactive: When customers enter a contest or opt-in, include your website or social media links in your automated reply. It’s an easy and fast way to connect customers to your numerous pages, enticing them to click on the links. Interactive contests can also generate excitement and encourage customers to engage more deeply with your brand.
  • Encourage your customers via texts: Text messages will prod your users to share your social media links. The best advertising is by word of mouth, and award your prime referrers with a special deal or freebie product. Encouraging customers to share your content can amplify your reach and attract new customers through positive referrals.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Including an expiration date in a text message encourages customers to reply quicker, serving you to win results or gain data as quickly as possible. Urgency can motivate customers to take immediate action and prevent them from procrastinating.
  • If texting a proposal to your customers, make it exclusive: Include the actual fact that the deal is being offered to any or all VIP text customers and make them feel they are important. If the offer is for anyone, then being a subscriber becomes less appealing. Exclusivity can make your customers feel valued and appreciated, enhancing their loyalty to your brand.
  • Use SMS to connect to your social media: Promote any contests or sweepstakes you are giving on your social media pages through the texts you send your customers. You can interact with them further through those pages, but it is advised to use this channel to direct them there. Connecting SMS and social media can create a seamless experience for your customers and enhance your overall marketing strategy.
  • Ask questions or send surveys: Ask customers their opinion on a product or plan, or perhaps if you must launch a business page on a brand new social media platform. Once you have received responses, text them to your customers or post the results on one of your social media pages and direct your subscribers to it. Customer feedback is invaluable for improving your products and services and can help you better understand your audience’s needs and preferences.
  • Send an SMS as a follow-up to an Email: Your customers usually receive each of those messages on their mobile device currently, boosting response rates. Sending a text as a follow-up to an email has proven beneficial for those who employ it. A multi-channel approach can reinforce your message and increase the likelihood of customer engagement.
  • Send SMS at the right time: Aim for the time your customers will not be busy, like before and after work and during lunch hours. As a general rule, send texts between 9 am and 9 pm. Timing is crucial in ensuring that your messages are read and acted upon promptly.
  • Engage a younger audience:  Getting in touch with millennials and the Gen Z category does help in widening the customer base. It is mainly these two categories that prefer text messaging over calling. Understanding the communication preferences of different demographic groups can help you tailor your marketing strategies effectively.
  • Ask customers about their preferences: Inquire as to when they would really like to receive messages and what data they need. Then simply customize your SMS campaign according to their needs and requirements. Personalization can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns and foster stronger customer relationships.
  • Personalize the texts: Customers respond more to materials addressed directly to them, thus insert your subscribers’ names once you can. You can also target your client with additional relevant texts supporting their preferences. Like any methodology of marketing to your customers, the longer you pay honing your skills, the additional interaction you may elicit from your community. If you’re ready to work on your response rates, bulk sms will help you learn more about where your company stands right now. Your analytics ought to assist you with goal setting, understanding your business as it stands, and working out wherever you want it to be. Regularly analyzing your campaign performance can help you make data-driven decisions and continuously improve your marketing efforts.


Sheikh Rehaan

Sheikh Rehaan is an author, writer & content creator. He is very passionate about all things content marketing and has extensive knowledge of SMS Marketing.