Use of Text Messaging in Various Sectors

Published by Sheikh Rehaan on

Who does not want to make the best of a channel that is ruling the roost in the messaging industry? Although there are plenty of options for businesses — small and big — to choose from while reaching out to customers around the globe, the channel that has of late, become the preferred choice for almost every new startup or established enterprise is the easiest-to-use SMS channel. Utilizing SMS for customer engagement not only ensures high open rates but also promotes faster response times, making it an invaluable tool for businesses aiming to enhance customer experience.


Despite being the oldest and not as feature-rich as the trendy messaging platforms in the age of the internet, the SMS channel, which is also called the Text Messaging Channel in industry parlance, is being used by various players in different sectors. Its reliability and simplicity make it a preferred choice for urgent and important communications, ensuring messages are delivered and read promptly.

Why are business heads from financial institutions to the now-in-vogue sector of hospitality using SMS for streamlined communication? The answer lies in its unparalleled reach and efficiency. SMS can penetrate areas with limited internet access, ensuring that critical information reaches the intended recipients without delay.

SMS in Various Sectors

Let’s find out about the reasons behind the shift and the sectors that can make the most while using the channel. The versatility of SMS allows it to cater to a wide range of industries, each utilizing its strengths to meet specific needs and enhance operational efficiency.

  • Financial Sector

The need to update customers is felt most by those in the financial sector. The need to inform customers on a priority basis when an emergency update is a prerequisite for smooth operations, texting all at once is what can be done to avoid delay in relaying the much-needed information. Additionally, SMS provides a secure and private method for sending sensitive information such as OTPs and transaction alerts, ensuring customer trust and compliance with regulatory standards.

Not only in the above-mentioned case but SMS is also used for security and privacy reasons. For instance, to complete a transaction, a bank sends an OTP on the registered mobile number, which after being entered completes the process. This two-factor authentication takes place due to the cost-efficient channel of SMS, providing an extra layer of security that is both user-friendly and reliable.

If a bank wants to communicate with its client regarding a transaction, calling is not viable all the time, and more importantly, it is of utmost importance to know whether the client is in a position to respond. In that scenario, leaving a text is thought to be the most useful way. SMS ensures that the message is received and read at the recipient’s convenience, enhancing communication efficiency.

For banks to promote products and services, the most affordable channel of texting is what remains the go-to choice for almost every second bank in the world. One of the main reasons is the higher engagement rates of SMS. Campaigns sent via SMS are more likely to be read and acted upon compared to other forms of communication, driving customer engagement and conversion rates higher.

  • Hospitality

The delay and changes while people are away from their respective towns are the most distressing feelings for a customer. To ensure visitors do not face any issues and make their journey hassle-free, those who serve guests have to use the channel that will ensure not only a connection of sorts but also engagement has to be preferred. SMS helps in providing real-time updates on bookings, reservations, and other essential information, enhancing the guest experience.

Sending confirmations via the SMS channel and any changes must be communicated efficiently using text messaging means. This ensures that guests are always informed and any issues are addressed promptly, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Real Estate

This is the sector that has benefitted most from the introduction of Bulk SMS. Not only to confirm sales but to publicize new properties and get to the customers at a speed not thought of before, SMS is the channel that is catching up and making the job easier for both clients and those managing operations. With bulk SMS, real estate agents can reach a large audience quickly and effectively, promoting new listings and open houses with ease.

  • Ecommerce

With the increase in the use of Smartphones and the internet penetration rates going up at the desired pace, reliance on the old-fashioned SMS channel has not faded. It has increased manifold over the years. The immediacy of SMS ensures that customers receive timely updates about their orders, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

Not only to send order confirmations, shipping, and delivery information is also communicated via texting. The changes are conveyed immediately and support, if needed is also offered by these e-commerce sites via texting. The use of the channel has made the job easier for both the brand involved and the customer who engages. SMS marketing campaigns have proven to drive higher engagement and sales, making it an essential tool for e-commerce businesses.


With nearly cent percent open rates and the cost-efficiency texting offers, businesses around the world can rely on SMS channel instead of spending hefty sums on traditional advertising. For streamlined communication with prospective and loyal customers instantly, texting is the channel to rely on. Its simplicity, reach, and effectiveness make SMS an indispensable tool in the modern communication landscape, providing businesses with a reliable way to connect with their audience.

Categories: SMS

Sheikh Rehaan

Sheikh Rehaan is an author, writer & content creator. He is very passionate about all things content marketing and has extensive knowledge of SMS Marketing.