Bulk SMS Marketing For E-Commerce Stores

Published by Sheikh Rehaan on

Gone are the days of brick-and-mortar shops; the time is now for online stores. A study by Emarketer predicts that online sales growth will be three times higher than brick-and-mortar sales.

With people shifting to mobile marketing and preferring to purchase online more often, the utility of e-commerce stores is increasing at an unprecedented rate. More and more businesses are willing to sell online, making the journey convenient for clients.

Harnessing Potential With Bulk SMS Marketing

Digital media is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Compared to traditional print media, digital media opens up a new world of possibilities for e-commerce stores and increases their marketing efficiency. The growth of e-commerce will largely depend on the utilization of more than one form of digital media to get the message out.

SMS marketing for E-commerce stores

Unless you are from a different planet, you must have noticed that the younger generation loves smartphones more than anything else. Young users shop for products and services on their smartphones, tablets, and desktops, so e-commerce stores with a presence across these channels will benefit massively.

Of the various forms of digital media, SMS is the fastest and most reliable way of reaching out to your prospective customers. Bulk SMS service opens up doors to endless possibilities for e-commerce websites as 98% of all SMS and MMS messages are opened. Compare this to Facebook feeds, of which 84% are not read, 71% of Tweets are ignored, and 88% of emails are trashed. Bulk SMS helps you share information with those you want to reach.

With Bulk SMS, you don’t just boost your e-commerce sales, you can also retain your customers and pass on promotional information to them from time to time.

6 Reasons to Use Bulk SMS Marketing

  • Fast

Whether a Promotional SMS or Transactional SMS, messages can be sent quickly and are read immediately. 90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes of delivery. They are probably the fastest means to send information to the maximum number of people.

  • High Conversion Rate

Since text messages are read immediately, there are high chances of getting them converted into sales. The average SMS marketing click-through rate is 36%. That means that for every 100 customers who receive an SMS message with a hyperlink in it, on average 36 of them will click on that hyperlink and visit your e-commerce store.

  • Hitting the Bull’s Eye

Unlike other marketing channels, with bulk SMS you decide to whom you send the information. Thus, you are not left wondering whether your message will reach the target audience or not.

  • Convenience

With well-timed SMS alerts, you can keep customers in the loop on their order and delivery status. Customers are drawn to brands that provide them with instant information without requiring their effort. This real-time communication enhances the customer experience and builds trust.

  • Low Cost

Unlike traditional media like outdoor banners, billboards, or television, which are too expensive for small businesses, bulk SMS services come at a very affordable cost, making advertising manageable for small businesses. With bulk SMS, e-commerce stores can reach thousands of people in no time at a lower cost.

  • No Spam Boxes

The best thing about SMS is that there are no spam boxes involved. So, there is no way your SMS will go unread. This ensures that your message reaches the intended audience without being filtered out or ignored.

If you are banging your head thinking about what marketing method to choose for your e-commerce store, then I would suggest that the bulk SMS service provided by SMSala is the key to success. Go for it, increase your sales, and gain happy customers.

Implementing Bulk SMS Marketing for E-commerce Success

To make the most out of bulk SMS marketing for your e-commerce store, follow these steps:

1. Build a Quality Subscriber List:

Ensure that you have a comprehensive and up-to-date list of customers who have opted in to receive your SMS communications. Obtaining explicit consent is crucial for compliance with regulations and avoiding spam complaints.

2. Segment Your Audience:

Segment your subscriber list based on demographics, purchase history, and engagement levels. This allows you to send targeted messages that are more relevant to each group, increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

3. Craft Compelling Messages:

Keep your messages clear, concise, and engaging. Include a strong call to action (CTA) that encourages recipients to take the desired action, such as visiting your website or redeeming a discount offer.

4. Schedule Your Messages:

Use the scheduling feature of your SMS platform to send messages at optimal times. Consider your audience’s time zones and daily routines to maximize engagement and response rates.

5. Monitor and Analyze Performance:

Track the performance of your SMS campaigns using analytics tools provided by your SMS provider. Monitor key metrics such as delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Use this data to refine your strategies and improve future campaigns.

6. Ensure Compliance:

Ensure that your SMS marketing campaigns comply with relevant regulations, such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Provide clear opt-out options in every message and respect recipients’ preferences.

Case Studies: Successful SMS Marketing Campaigns for E-commerce

To illustrate the effectiveness of SMS marketing, let’s explore a few case studies of e-commerce businesses that have successfully implemented SMS campaigns:

1. Online Fashion Retailer:

An online fashion retailer used SMS marketing to promote a flash sale. By sending personalized discount codes to their loyal customers, they saw a significant increase in website traffic and sales during the sale period. The clear call to action and time-sensitive offer motivated customers to make purchases.

2. Electronics E-commerce Store:

An electronics e-commerce store utilized SMS marketing to inform customers about new product launches and exclusive offers. By segmenting their customer base based on previous purchases, they were able to send relevant offers to different groups. This approach resulted in higher engagement and repeat purchases from satisfied customers.

3. Home Goods Store:

A home goods e-commerce store leveraged SMS marketing to recover abandoned shopping carts. By sending reminder messages with a special discount code, they successfully converted many abandoned carts into completed purchases. The timely and personalized messages encouraged customers to complete their transactions.


Bulk SMS marketing offers numerous benefits for e-commerce businesses, including high engagement rates, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to reach a wide audience quickly. By implementing best practices and leveraging advanced SMS technology, businesses can drive sales, enhance customer loyalty, and achieve their marketing goals. Whether you’re promoting products, sending important updates, or engaging customers with surveys and polls, SMS marketing provides a versatile and effective solution for e-commerce success.

Start exploring the possibilities of bulk SMS marketing today with SMSala and see how it can transform your communication strategies and drive growth for your e-commerce store. With the right provider and a strategic approach, SMS marketing can be a powerful tool to enhance your marketing efforts and achieve long-term success.


Categories: SMS Marketing

Sheikh Rehaan

Sheikh Rehaan is an author, writer & content creator. He is very passionate about all things content marketing and has extensive knowledge of SMS Marketing.