Bulk SMS For Educational Institutes

Published by Sheikh Rehaan on

You must be well aware that people get Bulk SMS from various companies, startups, and industries just to promote their brand in an ocean of competitors. But do you also know that Mass SMS can be used for better communication between school administration and parents of students?

Bulk SMS For Educational

Here, schools, colleges, and universities can share timely information with students via Bulk SMS. Before knowing where else we can use Bulk SMS in educational institutes, let’s first understand Bulk SMS and its types.

What is Bulk SMS?

When a large number of messages are sent at once to different users, the process is known as Bulk SMS or Mass SMS. The service is mainly used by banks, fintech companies, hotels, restaurants, and many more for marketing and informational purposes. Bulk SMS allows institutions to communicate effectively with a large audience simultaneously, making it an efficient tool for disseminating important information.

Also Read: Benefits Of Bulk SMS For Your Restaurant

Two Types of Bulk SMS

Promotional SMS: To inform loyal as well as prospective customers about sales, discounts, new offers, and products and services for marketing purposes, promotional SMS service is used by companies. Promotional SMS can effectively drive engagement and sales by delivering targeted offers and updates to customers.

Transactional SMS: To send timely alerts and notifications about transactions, appointments, and order delivery, transactional SMS is widely used by all big and small companies. Transactional SMS ensures that critical information reaches the intended recipients promptly, enhancing the customer experience.

Now, Let’s Get Into the Uses of Bulk SMS in Educational Institutes

Bulk SMS can revolutionize communication in educational institutions by providing a fast, efficient, and cost-effective means of reaching students and parents. Here are some key uses:

Direct Communication with Parents: As a school, college, or university administrator, you may have found yourself in situations where you could not convey important information to parents when needed. Either they could not attend your call or due to some important work forgot to get back to you. This is where SMS comes into the picture. You can simply text and remain in constant touch with them because the open-and-read rate of SMS is nearly 100%. This ensures that important messages are received and acknowledged promptly.

For Notifying: If you want to send out important information regarding the performance of a student or some changes made, you can easily reach all parents at once by using Bulk SMS. The need to inform separately by calling is no longer required. This will save your time, resources, and free up staff for some essential work in the institute. Bulk SMS allows for the quick dissemination of notifications, ensuring that all parents are informed simultaneously.

Attendance: Most parents nowadays are concerned about the presence of their child in a school. To quell their fear, you can convey the presence or absence in no time. Doing this by sending a simple text will help a lot. Regular attendance updates keep parents informed about their child’s school attendance, fostering transparency and trust between the school and parents.

Homework: The need to maintain a diary for homework is a thing of the past. For parents to remain informed about the child’s homework, tasks can be messaged instantly. This will ease the burden of both teachers and concerned parents. Instant homework notifications ensure that parents are aware of their child’s assignments, helping them support their child’s education more effectively.

Closure: Whenever there are sudden school closures, many remain uninformed and reach school only to return back. To save precious time, students can be sent a text about the closure of the institute. If you have thousands of students in your school, by using Bulk SMS, all can be notified at once. This ensures that parents and students are promptly informed about unexpected closures, reducing inconvenience.

Timetable: With a plethora of books, different subjects are taught on different days in a school. For the convenience of parents of lower classes, messaging a timetable will make the job easier for parents at home. Regular timetable updates help parents and students stay organized and prepared for their classes.

Results: Now with SMS service, you can communicate not only term-end results with parents but also performance in weekly tests can be delivered to their inboxes. Another option can be to let students check results by messaging a certain number using a keyword. Instant result notifications keep parents informed about their child’s academic progress, enabling timely interventions if needed.

Automatic Fee Reminder: The need to ask every student in a class about fees on a daily basis does not yield the desired result. Without further delay, text parents about the unpaid fees and do away with the hectic repetition in school. At the end of the month, you can send automated reminders to parents of thousands of students at once using the scheduled messaging option in Bulk SMS. Automated fee reminders ensure timely payments and reduce administrative burden.

Parent-Teacher Meetings: If you are planning a conference with the parents of your students, informing them by messaging is the best way available. Calling separately will be an uphill task, but conveying the date and time of the meeting via SMS will be the easiest mode of communication to a large number at the same time. This ensures that all parents are informed about the meeting and can attend it.

Change in School Timing: With changing seasons, the school timings also change. In winter, classes start late, and in summer, schools have morning time. This change in timing can be communicated to all parents at once with just a single click. Timely updates about schedule changes ensure that parents and students are aware of any adjustments, minimizing confusion and disruptions.

Now you must be well aware of where you can use Bulk SMS in your educational institution. To make it even easier for you, below we have outlined some sample messages to get an idea of how to write messages for different purposes.

Some Examples of Bulk SMS for Institutes

Dear Sajad,
This is to bring to your notice that Zain was absent from school today.

Dear Fahad,
The fee for the month of March has not been deposited yet. Kindly deposit as soon as possible.

Dear Parent,
We are planning a parent-teacher meeting on the 26th of this month in our conference hall. You are requested to attend the same.

Dear Jack,
The performance of your child in the recently held Term-end exams has been good. But there is a lot of scope for improvement.

Dear Rahul,
The school has changed its summer timing. Now the classes will begin at 9 am in the morning and end at 2 pm in the afternoon.

Dear Yuvraj,
Due to incessant rains and the possibility of snow in the region, the school will remain closed for the next two days.

Dear Shahid,
You are welcome to begin your new academic journey. Your university registration number is UOK- 17-2022. You can use this to access the student corner of our website from anywhere anytime.

Now if you want to start this journey and reduce the daily hassle, then SMSala is the Bulk SMS provider you can rely on for streamlined and cost-effective service.

We give you the option to test our service for free to make the benefits of our service known to you. For trial purposes, we provide you with 20 free messages.



Categories: Bulk SMS

Sheikh Rehaan

Sheikh Rehaan is an author, writer & content creator. He is very passionate about all things content marketing and has extensive knowledge of SMS Marketing.